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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM HI     03/15/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM MTPU     03/15/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Protraction Plat   05/16/1962   0001 Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/21/1995 0001 Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     11/23/1998 0002 Detail Problem?
016 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Field Notes   11/23/1998   0001 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 07/11/1868 R0035 1 76-81 136-139 O 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
North   R0210 1-4 5 80 O 0 1881 Magee Problem?
North 05/03/1971 R0594 150-153 172-173 211-213 O 447 1969 Sorensen Problem?
North 11/23/1998 R0644 123-125 114-115 153-155 O 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
North 11/23/1998 R0644 123-125 116-117 153-155 O 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
North 11/23/1998 R0644 123-125 117 153-155 O 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
North 11/23/1998 R0644 123-125 118-119 153-155 O 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
North 11/23/1998 R0644 123-125 150 153-155 O 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
North 05/03/1971 R0594 150-153 158-159 211-213 R 447 1969 Sorensen Problem?
North 11/23/1998 R0644 123-125 126-129 153-155 R 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
South 11/03/1906 R0435 121-125 136-137 313-317 O 236 1905 Stewart Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 1-3 9-16 30-34 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 474-476 480-481 521-529 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 474-476 488-489 521-529 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 474-476 496 521-529 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 474-476 503 521-529 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 474-476 509 521-529 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 474-476 519-520 521-529 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 09/21/1995 R0640 147-149 150-151 160-162 R 711 1995 Clifford Problem?
South 09/21/1995 R0640 191-193 196 203-205 R 711 1995 Clifford Problem?
South 09/21/1995 R0640 191-193 197 203-205 R 711 1995 Clifford Problem?
South 09/21/1995 R0640 191-193 198 203-205 R 711 1995 Clifford Problem?
East 07/11/1868 R0035 1 76-77 136-139 O 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
East 11/03/1906 R0435 121-125 136-137 313-317 O 236 1905 Stewart Problem?
East 05/03/1971 R0594 150-153 168-173 211-213 O 447 1969 Sorensen Problem?
East 11/01/1946 R0554 1-3 9-10 30-34 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
East 05/03/1971 R0594 150-153 158-159 211-213 R 447 1969 Sorensen Problem?
West 02/01/1881 R0209 105-107 139-141 276-281 O 108 1881 Magee Problem?
West 11/03/1906 R0435 121-125 148-149 313-317 O 236 1905 Stewart Problem?
West 11/23/1998 R0644 37-39 53-54 60-62 O 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
West 02/01/1881 R0209 105-107 138 276-281 R 108 1881 Magee Problem?
West 11/01/1946 R0554 1-3 14-15 30-34 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
West 11/23/1998 R0644 37-39 40-41 60-62 R 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?
Subdivision 09/21/1995 R0640 191-193 200-203 203-205 O 711 1995 Clifford Problem?
Subdivision 09/21/1995 R0640 191-193 194-200 203-205 R 711 1995 Clifford Problem?
Subdivision 11/23/1998 R0644 111-113 114-120 120-122 R 763 1998 Clifford, Et Al. Problem?

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