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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
036 0 N 058 0 E MDM HI     02/16/2023 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
036 0 N 058 0 E MDM MTP Primary   02/16/2023 0001 Detail Problem?
036 0 N 058 0 E MDM USE Oil & Gas   02/16/2023 0002 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
036 0 N 058 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
036 0 N 058 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   11/08/1869   0001 Detail Problem?
036 0 N 058 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     04/16/1980 0002 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
Military Reservation 04/03/1891 R0367 88-89 O 0 0000 Problem?
Military Reservation   R0343 1-3 23 O 183 0000 Problem?
Military Reservation 04/03/1891 R0367 1-5 22-23 57-59 O 192 1890 Problem?
Military Reservation 04/03/1891 R0366 1-7 13-14 121-123 O 192 1890 Problem?
North 11/08/1869 R0063 1 4 246-250 O 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
North 11/08/1869 R0063 1 11-14 246-250 O 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
North   R0355 177-182 O 187 1887 Fitzhugh Problem?
North 01/08/1880 R0179 26-34 46 308-311 R 90 1879 Preble Problem?
North 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 354 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
North 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 365 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
North 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 374 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
North 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 385 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
North 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 389 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
North 12/01/1890 R0354 1-23 32-33 78-79 R 187 1887 Fitzhugh Problem?
North 12/16/1977 R0610 192-194 205-206 251-253 R 521 1975 Garoutte Problem?
North 04/16/1980 R0613 121-123 129-131 138-140 R 537 1976 Garoutte Problem?
North 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 10-14 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
North 05/15/1978 R0610 254-256 257 310-312 R 521 1977 Garoutte Problem?
South   R0040 80-81 103-106 155-156 O 13 1868 Tracy Problem?
South 12/07/1868 R0040 157 211 285-289 O 13 1868 Tracy Problem?
South   R0343 1-3 26 R 183 0000 Riddle Problem?
South 11/08/1869 R0063 41 49 246-250 R 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
South 11/08/1869 R0063 41 56 246-250 R 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
South 11/08/1869 R0063 41 60 246-250 R 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
South 11/08/1869 R0063 41 75 246-250 R 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
South 04/03/1891 R0367 1-5 7 57-59 R 192 1890 Gould Problem?
South 04/03/1891 R0367 1-5 16-24 57-59 R 192 1890 Gould Problem?
South 04/03/1891 R0366 1-7 13 121-123 R 192 1890 Gould Problem?
South 12/16/1977 R0610 192-194 195 251-253 R 521 1975 Garoutte Problem?
South 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 4-9 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
East   R0040 80-81 106 155-156 O 13 1868 Tracy Problem?
East 11/08/1869 R0063 1 2-4 246-250 O 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
East 04/16/1980 R0613 121-123 125-131 138-140 R 537 1976 Garoutte Problem?
East 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 4 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
East 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 10 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
East 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 15 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
East 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 17-18 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
East 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 20-21 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West   R0040 80-81 103 155-156 O 13 1868 Tracy Problem?
West 11/08/1869 R0063 1 9-11 246-250 O 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
West 01/08/1880 R0179 26-34 46 308-311 R 90 1879 Preble Problem?
West 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 394 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
West 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 396-397 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
West 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 399 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
West 01/08/1880 R0180 213-218 401 447-450 R 90 1879 Barker Problem?
West 12/01/1890 R0354 1-23 32-33 78-79 R 187 1887 Fitzhugh Problem?
West 12/16/1977 R0610 192-194 195 251-253 R 521 1975 Garoutte Problem?
West 12/16/1977 R0610 192-194 201-206 251-253 R 521 1975 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 9 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 14 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 49 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 51 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 54 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 56 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 58 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?
West 05/15/1978 R0610 254-256 257 310-312 R 521 1977 Garoutte Problem?
Subdivision 11/08/1869 R0063 77-78 79-112 246-250 O 28 1869 Tracy Problem?
Subdivision 04/16/1980 R0613 1-4 15-58 58-60 R 537 1977 Garoutte Problem?

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