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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
025 0 N 033 0 E MDM HI     08/22/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
025 0 N 033 0 E MDM MTP Primary   08/22/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
025 0 N 033 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
025 0 N 033 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   04/11/1914   0001 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 04/17/1868 R0037 1-3 10-14 23-25 O 12 1868 Hatch Problem?
North 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 157 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
North 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 177 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
North 01/10/1894 R0376 3-4 40-41 43 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
North   R0376 221-229 231-233 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
North 11/29/1902 R0420 1-3 7-13 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 23-25 35-36 91-94 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 357-361 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 371 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 379 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 386-387 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 394 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 404 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 144 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
South 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 164-171 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
South 04/27/1907 R0446 1-5 11-12 218-223 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
South 04/27/1907 R0446 111-115 120-126 218-223 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
South   R0445 3-7 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
South   R0445 109-117 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
South 01/10/1894 R0376 3-4 28-29 43 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
South 04/11/1914 R0481 23-25 30 91-94 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 347-349 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 354-355 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 164 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
East 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 172-178 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
East 04/27/1907 R0446 111-115 120 218-223 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
East 01/10/1894 R0376 3-4 28-41 43 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
East 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 351-355 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 364-370 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 405-407 409-412 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 144 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
West 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 152-158 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
West 04/27/1907 R0446 1-5 11-12 218-223 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
West 04/11/1914 R0481 23-25 30-36 91-94 R 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 04/11/1914 R0481 345-346 363-404 409-412 O 14 1912 Haigh Et Al Problem?

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