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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
025 0 N 028 0 E MDM HI     04/04/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
025 0 N 028 0 E MDM MTP Primary   03/25/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
025 0 N 028 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
025 0 N 028 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   04/27/1907   0001 Detail Problem?
025 0 N 028 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 27 07/17/1924   0002 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North   R0285 1-3 15 16A-16D O 0 1882 Stewart Problem?
North 11/20/1882 R0285 16E-16I 150 454-457 O 0 1882 Stewart Problem?
North   R0409 5-7 O 220 1900 Stewart Problem?
North 06/08/1901 R0409 247-259 260-270 327-333 O 220 1900 Stewart Problem?
North 11/10/1906 R0437 581-587 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
North 11/10/1906 R0437 617-623 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 207-213 216-217 218-223 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 262 315-319 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 273 315-319 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 285-286 315-319 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 295 315-319 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 308 315-319 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 11/10/1906 R0437 401 R 0 0000 Davis Et Al Problem?
North   R0445 3-7 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
North   R0445 109-113 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 113 178A-178E R 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
North 11/10/1906 R0437 1-13 13-26 39 R 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
North 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 240 315-319 R 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
North 11/22/1913 R0478 263-267 276 281-284 R 13 1911 Secor Et Al Problem?
South 11/20/1882 R0285 16E-16I 133 454-457 O 0 1882 Stewart Problem?
South 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 66-73 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
South   R0445 3-7 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
South   R0445 109-113 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
South 03/15/1890 R0348 43-44 155-156 318-325 R 185 1888 Bence Problem?
South 03/15/1890 R0348 43-44 173 318-325 R 185 1888 Bence Problem?
South 03/15/1890 R0348 43-44 188 318-325 R 185 1888 Bence Problem?
South 03/15/1890 R0348 43-44 203 318-325 R 185 1888 Bence Problem?
South 03/15/1890 R0348 43-44 224 318-325 R 185 1888 Bence Problem?
South 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 233-239 315-319 R 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
South 11/22/1913 R0478 197-203 211-212 217-220 R 13 1911 Secor Et Al Problem?
East   R0285 151C-151F O 0 0000 Problem?
East 11/20/1882 R0285 16E-16I 133 454-457 O 0 1882 Stewart Problem?
East 11/20/1882 R0285 16E-16I 145-151 454-457 O 0 1882 Stewart Problem?
East   R0445 3-7 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
East   R0445 109-113 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
East 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 67 178A-178E R 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
East 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 240-248 315-319 R 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
West 07/18/1885 R0340 1-1D 66 178A-178E O 175 1885 Monroe Problem?
West 04/27/1907 R0446 207-213 213-217 218-223 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
West   R0445 3-7 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
West   R0445 109-113 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
West 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 234 315-319 R 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
West 11/22/1913 R0478 197-203 211-212 217-220 R 13 1911 Secor Et Al Problem?
West 11/22/1913 R0478 263-267 273-276 281-284 R 13 1911 Secor Et Al Problem?
Subdivision   R0445 109-113 O 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
Subdivision 04/27/1907 R0446 227-232 251-311 315-319 O 245 1905 Mc Dowell Problem?
Subdivision   R0445 3-7 R 245 0000 Mc Dowell Problem?
Subdivision 08/08/1908 M0074 57 63 69 R 0 1908 James Problem?
Subdivision 12/11/1908 M0077 77 96 103 R 0 1908 James Problem?

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