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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM HI     07/06/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM MTP Primary   01/22/2024 0001 Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM USE Geothermal   01/22/2024 0002 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   03/25/1874   0001 Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   12/08/1919   0002 Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   01/23/1923   0003 Detail Problem?
045 0 N 030 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/28/1992 0004 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 03/25/1874 R0135 271 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
North   R0135 1-3 14-16 17-19 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
North   R0135 32-33 86 88-90 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
North   R0135 197 208 215-217 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
North   R0145 166-167 168 177-181 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
North 07/31/1917 R0511 301-303 306-311 357-362 O 42 1916 Reppert Problem?
North 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 362-363 412-420 O 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
North 07/31/1917 R0511 301-303 303-305 357-362 R 42 1916 Reppert Problem?
North 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 371-372 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
North 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 380-381 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
North 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 384-385 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
North 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 402 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
North 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 411 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
North 01/23/1923 R0528 527-531 553 570-572 R 86 1921 Voigt Problem?
North 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 264-265 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
North 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 271-272 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
North 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 278-279 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
North 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 284 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
South   R0135 88-90 O 0 0000 Garside Problem?
South 11/06/1873 R0126 326-329 O 58 1873 Preble Problem?
South   R0126 18-20 129-131 141-144 O 58 1873 Preble Problem?
South 03/25/1874 R0135 271 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
South 12/08/1919 R0520 283-288 296-302 342-350 O 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
South 07/02/1924 R0529 139-143 155 167-172 R 87 1921 Voigt Problem?
South 12/19/1963 R0571 148-150 155 192-194 R 399 1962 Bland Problem?
South 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 265-267 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
East 04/17/1875 R0145 372-375 O 0 0000 Preble Problem?
East   R0126 18-20 129 141-144 O 58 1873 Preble Problem?
East 03/25/1874 R0135 271 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
East   R0135 32-33 82-87 88-90 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
East 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 386 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
East 11/29/1956 R0572 1-4 4 7-8 R 243 1938 Hardison Problem?
East 12/19/1963 R0571 148-150 155-156 192-194 R 399 1962 Bland Problem?
East 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 265 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
East 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 267-272 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?
West 12/08/1919 R0520 283-288 296-297 342-350 O 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
West 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 358-363 412-420 O 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
West 07/02/1924 R0529 139-143 164-165 167-172 O 87 1921 Voigt Problem?
West 07/02/1924 R0529 139-143 155-158 167-172 R 87 1921 Voigt Problem?
Subdivision 03/25/1874 R0135 271 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
Subdivision   R0135 197 198-214 215-217 O 0 1874 Garside Problem?
Subdivision 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 363-384 412-420 O 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 397-412 412-420 O 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 01/23/1923 R0528 527-531 546-569 570-572 O 86 1921 Voigt Problem?
Subdivision 12/08/1919 R0520 353-357 384-396 412-420 R 62 1918 English Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 01/23/1923 R0528 527-531 532-569 570-572 R 86 1921 Voigt Problem?
Subdivision 09/28/1992 R0637 261-264 272-289 290-292 R 704 1991 Pratt Problem?

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