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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM HI     05/11/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM MTP Primary   10/10/2024 0001 Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM USE Geothermal   01/14/2025 0002 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   03/20/1891   0001 Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 20, 21     0002 Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/30/1991 0003 Detail Problem?
035 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/30/1991 0004 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 12/13/1867 R0028 1-3 30-31 330-335 O 5 1867 Epler Problem?
North 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 72 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
North 03/20/1891 R0363 212-213 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North   R0363 287 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North   R0361 233-235 256-257 363-367 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North 03/20/1891 R0363 443-447 458 508-509 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North 03/20/1891 R0363 443-447 469 508-509 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North 03/20/1891 R0363 443-447 480 508-509 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North 03/20/1891 R0363 443-447 491 508-509 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North 03/20/1891 R0363 443-447 507 508-509 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North   R0360 335-337 347-356 R 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
North 07/26/1977 R0612 1-3 3-10 63-65 R 532 1976 Munson Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 49-54 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 70-72 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 81-83 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 92-93 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 103-104 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 126-127 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 146-147 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
South 12/13/1867 R0028 1-3 19 330-335 O 5 1867 Epler Problem?
South 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 61 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
South   R0361 233-235 241-250 363-367 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 157-161 169 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 157-161 170-176 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 207-210 221 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 207-210 232 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 207-210 243 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 207-210 254 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0420 207-210 270 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 09/27/1968 R0593 172-174 193-194 249-251 R 442 1966 Munson Et Al Problem?
South 09/30/1991 R0636 22-25 25-27 43-44 R 654 1988 Lambeth Problem?
South 09/30/1991 R0636 22-25 33-35 43-44 R 654 1988 Lambeth Problem?
South 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 54-63 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
South 09/30/1991 R0635 284-287 295-296 360-361 R 654 1988 Lambeth Problem?
South 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 365-367 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
East 12/13/1867 R0028 1-3 19 330-335 O 5 1867 Epler Problem?
East 12/13/1867 R0028 1-3 27-31 330-335 O 5 1867 Epler Problem?
East   R0361 233-235 235-243 363-367 R 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
East 11/29/1902 R0420 157-161 169 319-325 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
East 09/27/1968 R0593 172-174 193-194 249-251 R 442 1966 Munson Et Al Problem?
East 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 63-72 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 61 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
West 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 68-72 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
West   R0361 233-235 249-257 363-367 R 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 22-25 26-27 43-44 R 654 1988 Lambeth Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 72-83 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 129-131 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 133-134 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 137-138 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 140-142 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 144-145 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 147-148 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0635 284-287 295-296 360-361 R 654 1988 Lambeth Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 365-376 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 394-396 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 399-401 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 404-405 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
West 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 406 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
Subdivision 03/20/1891 R0363 443-447 448-507 508-509 O 189 1888 Maxson Problem?
Subdivision 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 83-148 154-155 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
Subdivision 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 366-367 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
Subdivision 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 370 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
Subdivision 09/30/1991 R0635 362-365 373-374 447-448 R 656 1988 Williams Problem?
Metes/Bound 09/30/1991 R0636 45-48 148-153 154-155 R 656 1988 Problem?

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