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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
034 0 N 060 0 E MDM HI     12/05/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
034 0 N 060 0 E MDM MTP Primary   12/11/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
034 0 N 060 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
034 0 N 060 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   03/29/1870   0001 Detail Problem?
034 0 N 060 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   06/02/1885   0002 Detail Problem?
034 0 N 060 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/21/1972 0003 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 02/16/1885 R0334 1-1D 135 152-156 O 0 1885 Stewart Problem?
North 02/16/1885 R0334 1-1D 144-151 152-156 O 0 1885 Stewart Problem?
North 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 196 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
North 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 207 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
North 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 218 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
North 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 229 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
North 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 243 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
North   R0342 149-154 158 229-232 R 0 1886 Stewart Problem?
North 12/23/1893 R0373 405-406 407-414 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
North 03/04/1905 R0417 408-413 R 223 1904 Thurtell Problem?
North 05/15/1917 R0499 361-363 365 405-408 R 29 1917 Potter Problem?
North 09/21/1972 R0599 417-419 420-423 451-453 R 471 1971 Beck Problem?
South 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 150-153 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
South 02/16/1885 R0334 1-1D 136-138 152-156 O 0 1885 Stewart Problem?
South 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 208 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
South 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 219 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
South 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 230 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
South 11/18/1914 H0001 85 88 101 R 0 1914 Wheeler Problem?
South 04/29/1919 R0499 157-165 169-170 271-280 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 04/29/1919 R0499 157-165 202-203 271-280 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 02/21/1919 R0519 231-235 243-244 307-310 R 56 1917 Haigh Problem?
South 04/29/1919 R0499 283-288 289-292 316-320 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 04/29/1919 R0499 283-288 310 316-320 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 04/29/1919 R0499 283-288 313-316 316-320 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 09/21/1972 R0599 417-419 423 451-453 R 471 1971 Beck Problem?
South 09/21/1972 R0599 417-419 430 451-453 R 471 1971 Beck Problem?
South 09/21/1972 R0599 417-419 438 451-453 R 471 1971 Beck Problem?
East 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 150 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
East 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 154-156 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
East   R0079 99-101 160-162 O 40 1870 Hatch Problem?
East 02/16/1885 R0334 1-1D 132-135 152-156 O 0 1885 Stewart Problem?
East 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 189 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
East 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 191 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
East 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 193 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
East 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 195 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
East 12/23/1893 R0373 405-406 407-409 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
East 11/18/1914 H0001 85 88-89 101 R 0 1914 Wheeler Problem?
East 05/15/1917 R0499 323-325 325-328 354-358 R 29 1915 Potter Problem?
East 05/15/1917 R0499 323-325 346-348 354-358 R 29 1915 Potter Problem?
East 05/15/1917 R0499 323-325 350 354-358 R 29 1915 Potter Problem?
East 05/15/1917 R0499 323-325 352 354-358 R 29 1915 Potter Problem?
East 02/21/1919 R0519 231-235 243-244 307-310 R 56 1917 Haigh Problem?
East 02/21/1919 R0519 311-315 315-320 345-350 R 56 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 05/15/1917 R0499 361-363 365 405-408 R 29 1917 Potter Problem?
West 02/16/1885 R0334 1-1D 138-144 152-156 O 0 1885 Stewart Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 387 519-525 O 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 232 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
West 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 235 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
West 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 237A 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
West 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 239 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
West 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 242 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
West   R0342 149-154 158 229-232 R 0 1886 Stewart Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 395-401 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 405-406 414 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 432-433 435 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 432-433 437 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 432-433 439 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 432-433 441 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0373 432-433 443 519-525 R 199 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 157-165 168 271-280 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 157-165 183 271-280 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 157-165 203 271-280 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 09/21/1972 R0599 417-419 421-430 451-453 R 471 1971 Beck Problem?
West 07/21/1982 R0620 36-39 44-47 62-65 R 588 1981 Bastian Et Al Problem?
West 07/21/1982 R0620 36-39 49 62-65 R 588 1981 Bastian Et Al Problem?
West 07/21/1982 R0620 36-39 52 62-65 R 588 1981 Bastian Et Al Problem?
West 07/21/1982 R0620 36-39 55 62-65 R 588 1981 Bastian Et Al Problem?
Subdivision   R0338 7-11 O 0 0000 Problem?
Subdivision   R0070 1-4 O 32 1869 Eaton Problem?
Subdivision 03/29/1870 R0070 361A 362-368 372-375 O 32 1869 Eaton Problem?
Subdivision   R0335 7-10 O 174 1885 Bridges Problem?
Subdivision 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 188-244 393-399 O 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
Subdivision 06/02/1885 R0339 179-180 188-243 393-399 R 174 1885 Mc Clellan Eta Problem?
Subdivision 09/21/1972 R0599 417-419 430-451 451-453 R 471 1971 Beck Problem?

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