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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
033 0 N 031 0 E MDM HI     05/11/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
033 0 N 031 0 E MDM MTP Primary   03/29/2004 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
033 0 N 031 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
033 0 N 031 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   01/03/1876   0001 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 04/01/1864 R0009 109 119 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
North 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 13-18 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
North 04/11/1914 R0480 401-404 404-409 476-478 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
North 01/09/1978 R0608 347-349 355-356 400-402 R 510 1974 Garoutte Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0635 125-128 128-129 147-148 R 654 1990 Lambeth Problem?
North 09/30/1991 R0635 149-152 152 225-226 R 654 1990 Lambeth Problem?
South 04/01/1864 R0009 97 102-103 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
South 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 3-8 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 326-327 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 331-338 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 353-354 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 362 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 370-371 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 378-379 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 393 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
South 01/26/1976 R0606 449-451 456-457 457-459 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
South 07/26/1989 R0633 1-3 4 10-12 R 668 1989 Forsyth Problem?
East 04/01/1864 R0009 97 102-103 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
East 04/01/1864 R0009 109 115-120 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
East 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 332-334 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
East 04/11/1914 R0480 401-404 404-405 476-478 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
East 01/09/1978 R0608 347-349 349-356 400-402 R 510 1974 Garoutte Problem?
East 01/26/1976 R0606 449-451 456-457 457-459 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
East 09/30/1991 R0635 149-152 152 225-226 R 654 1990 Lambeth Problem?
West 01/03/1876 R0151 1-2 7-13 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
West 01/14/1914 R0480 323-326 326-327 394-398 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
West 04/11/1914 R0480 401-404 409 476-478 R 14 1912 Craigue Et Al Problem?
West 07/26/1989 R0633 1-3 4-10 10-12 R 668 1989 Forsyth Problem?
Subdivision 01/03/1876 R0151 138 139-195 346-349 O 0 1875 Garside Problem?
Subdivision 01/13/1906 M0037 161 169 177 R 0 1905 Burton Problem?
Subdivision 01/13/1906 M0037 179 183 191 R 0 1905 Burton Problem?

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