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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM HI     12/04/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM MTP Primary   12/11/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   03/29/1870   0001 Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   04/29/1919 02/04/1920 0002 Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   10/29/1930 12/18/1930 0003 Detail Problem?
032 0 N 059 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     10/21/1980 0004 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
Unknown 03/25/1918 H0003 383-399 O 1917 Haman Problem?
North 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 135-137 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
North   R0416 423-424 434-435 O 223 1903 Thurtell Et Al Problem?
North 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 109-119 150-154 O 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 121-124 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
South 06/14/1923 R0531 193-197 228-236 278-280 O 94 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 10/29/1930 R0543 347-351 358-360 409-412 O 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
South 08/27/1918 H0004 337 340 355 R 0 1917 Haman Problem?
South 06/14/1923 R0531 193-197 204-206 278-280 R 94 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 10/29/1930 R0543 275-279 281-282 341-344 R 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
South 10/29/1930 R0543 275-279 294-297 341-344 R 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
East 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 121 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
East 01/31/1870 R0069 32-34 133-136 167-170 O 33 1869 Hatch Problem?
East 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 107-109 150-154 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West   R0416 423-424 434-435 O 223 1903 Thurtell Et Al Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 1-19 30-33 95-100 O 29 1916 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 06/14/1923 R0531 193-197 228-230 278-280 O 94 1922 Swanholm Problem?
West 10/29/1930 R0543 347-351 352-360 409-412 O 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 118-119 150-154 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 142-143 150-154 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 145 150-154 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 148-149 150-154 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West 10/29/1930 R0543 275-279 330-331 341-344 R 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
West 10/29/1930 R0543 275-279 336 341-344 R 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
Subdivision   R0070 1-4 O 32 1869 Eaton Problem?
Subdivision 03/29/1870 R0070 273 274-284 372-375 O 32 1869 Eaton Problem?
Subdivision 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 122-150 150-154 O 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 10/29/1930 R0543 275-279 298-340 341-344 O 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
Subdivision 10/21/1980 R0612 658-660 663-664 664-666 O 536 1976 Nickerson Problem?
Subdivision 04/29/1919 R0499 103-106 119-122 150-154 R 29 1917 Haigh Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 03/25/1918 H0003 383 386-388 399 R 0 1917 Haman Problem?
Subdivision 03/25/1918 H0003 383 390-391 399 R 0 1917 Haman Problem?
Subdivision 10/29/1930 R0543 275-279 280-293 341-344 R 138 1927 Nelson Problem?
Subdivision 10/21/1980 R0612 658-660 660-663 664-666 R 536 1976 Nickerson Problem?

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