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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM HI     05/10/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM MTP Primary   06/12/2013 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   03/22/1864   0001 Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   01/10/1894   0002 Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   04/10/1915   0003 Detail Problem?
032 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     04/29/1975 0004 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 04/01/1864 R0009 79 91 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
North 04/01/1864 R0009 135 136-141 154-160 O 0 1864 Dyer Problem?
North 02/16/1970 R0593 1-5 5 79-81 R 442 1967 Munson Problem?
North 04/29/1975 R0605 291-294 304-307 349-351 R 491 1973 Munson Problem?
North 01/26/1976 R0606 460-463 476-477 528-531 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
South 04/01/1864 R0009 60-61 66-69 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
South 09/01/1869 R0060 101-103 107 225-228 O 0 1869 Hatch Et Al Problem?
South 12/23/1893 R0372 31 36-37 91 R 0 1893 Maxson Problem?
South 01/10/1894 R0376 68 69-75 125-127 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
South 10/18/1895 R0386 1 24-25 58A R 207 1895 Maxson Problem?
South 10/18/1895 R0387 265-267 268-270 318-323 R 207 1895 Maxson Problem?
South 11/29/1902 R0418 1-14 16-24 25 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0418 61-64 67 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0418 91-94 96 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 07/13/1907 M0056 481 498 505 R 0 1907 Nickerson Problem?
South 04/10/1915 R0484 27-29 30-35 56-58 R 17 1914 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 01/28/1921 R0524 265-269 270 277-278 R 69 1920 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/28/1921 R0524 265-269 275-276 277-278 R 69 1920 Swanholm Problem?
South 09/06/1921 R0524 281-284 293-294 297-300 R 69 1920 Swanholm Problem?
South 04/29/1975 R0605 291-294 294-298 349-351 R 491 1973 Munson Problem?
South 01/26/1976 R0606 460-463 469-471 528-531 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
South 07/26/1985 R0625 271-273 274-276 280-282 R 606 1984 Williams Problem?
East 04/01/1864 R0009 135 140-141 154-160 O 0 1864 Dyer Problem?
East 04/01/1864 R0009 150 151-153 154-160 O 0 1864 Dyer Problem?
East 09/01/1869 R0060 101-103 107 225-228 O 0 1869 Hatch Et Al Problem?
East   R0376 215-217 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
East 10/18/1895 R0386 1 24-25 58A R 207 1895 Maxson Problem?
East   R0418 61-64 65-68 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
East   R0418 71-74 84 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
East   R0418 91-94 98 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
East   R0418 91-94 100 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 27-29 29-30 56-58 R 17 1914 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 27-29 47-51 56-58 R 17 1914 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 02/16/1970 R0593 1-5 5 79-81 R 442 1967 Munson Problem?
East 02/16/1970 R0593 82-86 86-88 97-99 R 442 1967 Munson Problem?
East 02/16/1970 R0593 82-86 92-95 97-99 R 442 1967 Munson Problem?
East 04/29/1975 R0605 291-294 304 349-351 R 491 1973 Munson Problem?
West 04/01/1864 R0009 60-61 66-69 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
West 04/01/1864 R0009 79 86-91 154-160 O 0 1863 Dyer Problem?
West 12/23/1893 R0372 31 36-37 91 R 0 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 01/10/1894 R0376 68 69 125-127 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
West 01/10/1894 R0376 68 77-82 125-127 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
West   R0418 29-34 38-39 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
West 01/28/1921 R0524 265-269 270-271 277-278 R 69 1920 Swanholm Problem?
West 09/06/1921 R0524 281-284 293-294 297-300 R 69 1920 Swanholm Problem?
West 04/29/1975 R0605 291-294 296-303 349-351 R 491 1973 Munson Problem?
West 01/26/1976 R0606 460-463 469-471 528-531 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
West 01/26/1976 R0606 460-463 475-477 528-531 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
West 01/26/1976 R0606 460-463 484-485 528-531 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
West 01/26/1976 R0606 460-463 487-489 528-531 R 498 1974 Munson Problem?
West 07/26/1985 R0625 271-273 274-276 280-282 R 606 1984 Williams Problem?
Subdivision 04/01/1864 R0011 320-320A 321-358 359-365 O 0 1864 Dyer Problem?
Subdivision 09/01/1869 R0060 101-103 113-118 225-228 O 0 1869 Hatch Et Al Problem?
Subdivision   R0418 91-94 95-101 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
Subdivision 04/10/1915 R0484 27-29 47-55 56-58 O 17 1914 Haigh Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 01/10/1894 R0376 84 85-123 125-127 R 201 1893 Maxson Problem?
Subdivision   R0418 71-74 75-85 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
Subdivision 04/10/1915 R0484 27-29 30 56-58 R 17 1914 Haigh Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 04/10/1915 R0484 27-29 35-47 56-58 R 17 1914 Haigh Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 01/28/1921 R0524 265-269 276 277-278 R 69 1920 Swanholm Problem?
Subdivision 02/16/1970 R0593 82-86 87-88 97-99 R 442 1967 Munson Problem?
Subdivision 02/16/1970 R0593 82-86 94-95 97-99 R 442 1967 Munson Problem?
Subdivision 04/29/1975 R0605 291-294 307-349 349-351 R 491 1973 Munson Problem?

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