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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
029 0 N 028 0 E MDM HI     04/28/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
029 0 N 028 0 E MDM MTP Primary   08/08/2002 0001 Detail Problem?
029 0 N 028 0 E MDM USE Geothermal   08/08/2002 0002 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
029 0 N 028 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
029 0 N 028 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   11/10/1906   0001 Detail Problem?
029 0 N 028 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     12/09/1953 0002 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 01/05/1931 R0537 83-87 102-108 183-186 O 112 1927 Ridgway Problem?
North 03/13/1929 R0537 257-260 262-264 264-266 O 112 1927 Ridgway Problem?
North 12/09/1953 R0560 187-190 193-194 241-243 O 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
South   R0401 161 176 263-269 O 215 1898 Maxson Problem?
South 11/10/1906 R0437 617-623 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
South 11/10/1906 R0437 293-299 308 581-587 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
South 09/23/1929 R0537 19-23 34-35 77-80 O 112 1928 Ridgway Problem?
South 12/09/1953 R0560 307-309 314-317 357-360 O 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
South   R0437 3-7 R 0 0000 Davis Et Al Problem?
South 11/10/1906 R0437 269-275 276-277 401 R 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
South 12/09/1953 R0560 244-246 256-257 272-274 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
South 12/09/1953 R0560 244-246 260 272-274 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
South 12/09/1953 R0560 244-246 263-264 272-274 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
South 12/09/1953 R0560 244-246 270-271 272-274 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
South 12/09/1953 R0560 307-309 309-312 357-360 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
East   R0401 161 176 263-269 O 215 1898 Maxson Problem?
East 11/10/1906 R0437 617-623 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
East 11/10/1906 R0437 361-367 367-369 581-587 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
East 03/13/1929 R0537 257-260 260-262 264-266 O 112 1927 Ridgway Problem?
East   R0437 3-7 R 0 0000 Davis Et Al Problem?
East 11/10/1906 R0437 269-275 276-277 401 R 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
East 03/13/1929 R0544 299-302 304-307 307-310 R 146 1927 Ridgway Problem?
East 12/09/1953 R0560 307-309 309-311 357-360 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
West 01/05/1931 R0537 83-87 107-108 183-186 O 112 1927 Ridgway Problem?
West 09/23/1929 R0537 19-23 34-35 77-80 O 112 1928 Ridgway Problem?
West 12/09/1953 R0560 187-190 190-194 241-243 O 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
Subdivision 11/10/1906 R0437 617-623 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 11/10/1906 R0437 361-367 370-371 581-587 O 238 1905 Davis Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 12/09/1953 R0560 307-309 317-357 357-360 O 210 1949 Voigt Problem?
Subdivision 12/09/1953 R0560 307-309 313-314 357-360 R 210 1949 Voigt Problem?

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