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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM HI     04/13/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM MTPU     12/03/2020 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   11/29/1902   0001 Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 29   01/15/1925 0002 Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 2, 11   05/06/1926 0003 Detail Problem?
028 0 N 034 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   04/04/1931 06/27/1931 0004 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 09/01/1869 R0060 101-103 141A 225-228 O 0 1869 Hatch Et Al Problem?
North 10/18/1895 R0387 274-275 173 O 207 1895 Maxson Problem?
North   R0419 91-93 95 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
North 10/18/1895 R0387 1-2 17-28 66 R 207 1895 Maxson Problem?
North   R0419 71-77 77-83 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
North 08/31/1978 R0611 12-15 15 53-55 R 523 1976 Munson Problem?
South   R0419 169-173 179 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 277-281 287 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 295-299 299-305 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 327-329 335 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 339-345 355 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 339-345 366 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 339-345 377 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 339-345 388 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South   R0419 339-345 404 R 224 1901 Criss Problem?
South 06/05/1913 S0015 21-23 42 43-46 R 0 1913 Haigh Problem?
South 04/10/1915 R0484 113-115 121-122 187-190 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
South 04/10/1915 R0484 113-115 127 187-190 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 09/01/1869 R0060 101-103 141A 225-228 O 0 1869 Hatch Et Al Problem?
East   R0419 277-281 282-287 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
East 10/18/1895 R0387 1-2 17-18 66 R 207 1895 Maxson Problem?
East 06/05/1913 S0015 21-23 42 43-46 R 0 1913 Haigh Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 113-115 122 187-190 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 113-115 127-128 187-190 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 113-115 135-137 187-190 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 193-195 195-197 266-268 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 193-195 250 266-268 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 193-195 253-254 266-268 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 193-195 256-257 266-268 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 193-195 260 266-268 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
East 04/10/1915 R0484 193-195 263 266-268 R 17 1913 Haigh Et Al Problem?
West   R0419 91-93 95 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
West   R0419 97-99 101 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
West   R0419 169-173 173-179 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
West 11/10/1923 R0533 315-319 319-322 327-328 R 100 1922 Ridgway Problem?
West 03/25/1924 M0119 147 152 159 R 0 1924 Huntington Problem?
West 11/14/1924 M0120 233 238 245 R 0 1924 Tilden Problem?
West 08/31/1978 R0611 12-15 15 53-55 R 523 1976 Munson Problem?
Subdivision   R0419 411-417 417-479 O 224 1901 Criss Problem?
Subdivision 02/17/1917 M0106 89 95 101 R 0 0000 Tilden Problem?
Subdivision 06/28/1913 M0100 77 83 89 R 0 1913 Crittenden Problem?
Subdivision 09/06/1913 M0100 93 113 121 R 0 1913 Runner Problem?
Subdivision 08/15/1914 M0103 1 9 15 R 0 1914 Crittenden Problem?
Subdivision 05/29/1915 M0103 404 409 414 R 0 1915 Huntington Problem?
Subdivision 09/19/1916 M0105 1 18 23 R 0 1916 Tilden Problem?
Subdivision 08/12/1916 M0104 493 501 507 R 0 1916 Runner Problem?
Subdivision 10/11/1918 M0109 173 189-190 195 R 0 1917 Pray Problem?
Subdivision 10/26/1918 M0109 199 218 225 R 0 1917 Pray Problem?
Subdivision 10/05/1918 M0109 229 242 249 R 0 1918 Pray Problem?
Subdivision 01/18/1921 M0109 437 475 481 R 0 1918 Montgomery Problem?
Subdivision 02/08/1921 M0111 87 102 107 R 0 1919 Montgomery Problem?
Subdivision 11/14/1924 M0120 233 238 245 R 0 1924 Tilden Problem?
Subdivision 09/24/1985 M0162 26 28 155 R 0 1982 Mc Lain Problem?
Subdivision 09/24/1985 M0162 26 47 155 R 0 1982 Mc Lain Problem?
Segregation 04/04/1931 R0544 605-610 610-614 615-616 O 149 1929 Ridgway Problem?

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