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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM HI     04/19/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM MTP Primary   06/04/2021 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM RECT Protraction Plat   01/13/1964   0001 Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   12/07/1869   0001 Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   12/07/1869   0001 Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     01/28/1959 0002 Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     11/05/2013 0003 Detail Problem?
026 0 N 048 0 E MDM RECT Field Notes   11/05/2013   0001 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 11/29/1869 R0065 85-88 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
North   R0065 140-141 O 0 1869 Problem?
North 11/29/1869 R0065 17-19 62-67 85-88 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
North 05/13/1879 R0174 1-3 112 234-240 O 86 1879 Barker Problem?
North 01/12/1924 R0530 265-270 271-272 372-376 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
North 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 317-319 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
North 02/03/1986 M0163 155 158 203 R 0 1984 Smith Problem?
North 12/23/2013 R0659 103-106 106-113 150-152 R 895 2013 Barney Et Al. Problem?
South 11/29/1869 R0065 85-88 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
South 11/29/1869 R0065 1-3 7-12 13-16 O 30 1869 Hatch Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 265-270 270 372-376 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 382-389 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 397-398 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 409-410 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 418-419 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 425-426 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 432-433 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 442-445 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
South 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 312 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
South 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 319 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
East   R0065 146-147 O 0 1869 Problem?
East 11/29/1869 R0065 1-3 11 13-16 O 30 1869 Hatch Problem?
East 11/29/1869 R0065 17-19 61-62 85-88 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
East   R0173 1-3 20-21 23-26 O 86 1879 Bridges Problem?
East 05/13/1879 R0174 1-3 107-112 234-240 O 86 1879 Barker Problem?
East 01/12/1924 R0530 451-453 466-467 467-470 O 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
East 01/12/1924 R0530 379-382 382 445-448 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
East 01/12/1924 R0530 473-477 486-487 563-566 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
East 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 312-317 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
East 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 319 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
East 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 321 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
East 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 323-326 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
East 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 328-329 330-332 R 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
East 10/10/2014 R0660 40-43 48-50 66-68 R 919 2014 Swope Problem?
West 11/29/1869 R0065 85-88 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
West   R0065 138-141 O 0 1869 Problem?
West 11/29/1869 R0065 1-3 7 13-16 O 30 1869 Hatch Problem?
West 01/12/1924 R0530 265-270 270-278 372-376 R 92 1922 Swanholm Problem?
Subdivision   R0067 1-3 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
Subdivision 12/07/1869 R0067 130 131-153 182-185 O 30 1869 Eaton Problem?
Subdivision 01/28/1959 R0579 309-311 319-330 330-332 O 316 1957 Godwin Problem?
Subdivision 12/23/2013 R0659 90-92 96-100 100-102 O 895 2011 Barney Problem?
Subdivision 08/26/1921 M0115 317 322 329 R 0 1921 Tilden Problem?
Subdivision 05/16/1924 M0120 1 8 15 R 0 1924 Boyle Problem?
Subdivision 12/23/2013 R0659 90-92 93-96 100-102 R 895 2011 Barney Problem?

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