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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
021 0 S 053 0 E MDM HI     06/02/2021 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
021 0 S 053 0 E MDM MTP Primary   08/18/2014 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
021 0 S 053 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
021 0 S 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/22/1949 0001 Detail Problem?
021 0 S 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 24   03/05/1996 0002 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
State Boundary 01/30/1874 B0005 1-3 158-160 219-220 R 0 0000 Von Schmidt Problem?
State Boundary 03/23/1920 R0486 207-210 232-236 237-238 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?
State Boundary 03/23/1920 R0486 303-307 315-317 325-326 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?
State Boundary 03/23/1920 R0486 303-307 323-324 325-326 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?
State Boundary 04/16/1935 B0018 477-482 482-484 495-498 R 250 1933 Nelson Problem?
State Boundary 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 290-291 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
State Boundary 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 300-302 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
State Boundary 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 309-311 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
State Boundary 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 317-319 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
State Boundary 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 324-327 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
State Boundary 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 329-330 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North   R0252 1 1A-7 O 128 1881 Carter Problem?
North 09/03/1881 R0219 1-3 25 441-445 O 0 1881 Binge Problem?
North 07/14/1882 R0250 366A 406-407 122A O 0 1881 Brunt Problem?
North 02/18/1882 R0255 103-104C 104F-104G O 128 1882 Carter Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 291-292 331-334 O 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North   R0516 1 20-21 R 0 1926 Problem?
North   R0516 1 2-5 R 0 1927 Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 276-282 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 288-289 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 298 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 308-309 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 315-316 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 322-323 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
North 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 330-331 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
South 07/14/1882 R0250 366A 399 122A O 0 1881 Brunt Problem?
South 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 289-290 331-334 O 350 1948 Litz Problem?
South 04/23/1935 B0018 551-553 563-564 603-606 R 250 1934 Wilson Problem?
East 07/14/1882 R0250 366A 399 122A O 0 1881 Brunt Problem?
East 07/14/1882 R0250 366A 401-407 122A O 0 1881 Brunt Problem?
East   R0516 1 3-5 R 0 1926 Problem?
East   R0516 1 20-21 R 0 1926 Problem?
East 04/23/1935 B0018 551-553 561 603-606 R 250 1934 Wilson Problem?
East 04/23/1935 B0018 551-553 563-564 603-606 R 250 1934 Wilson Problem?
East 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 282-289 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 290-292 331-334 O 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 01/30/1874 B0005 1-3 158-160 219-220 R 0 0000 Von Schmidt Problem?
West 03/23/1920 R0486 207-210 232-236 237-238 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?
West 03/23/1920 R0486 303-307 323-324 325-326 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?
West 04/16/1935 B0018 477-482 482-484 495-498 R 250 1933 Nelson Problem?
West 04/23/1935 B0018 551-553 563-564 603-606 R 250 1934 Wilson Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 290-291 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 300-302 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 309-311 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 317-319 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 324-327 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
West 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 329-330 331-334 R 350 1948 Litz Problem?
Subdivision 09/22/1949 R0581 273-276 292-331 331-334 O 350 1948 Litz Problem?
Subdivision 03/23/1920 R0486 303-307 315-317 325-326 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 03/23/1920 R0486 303-307 323-324 325-326 R 37 1918 Redwine Et Al Problem?

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