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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM HI     03/09/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM MTP Primary   08/04/2017 0001 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM MTP   1,2,11 01/28/2014 0002 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM MTP   27,28,33,34 11/24/2015 0003 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM USE Oil & Gas   11/24/2015 0004 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     05/13/1958 0001 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     05/13/1958 0002 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     05/13/1958 0003 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     05/13/1958 0004 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     05/13/1958 0005 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     05/13/1958 0006 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 1, 2   06/01/1982 0007 Detail Problem?
019 0 N 053 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     01/26/1990 0008 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
Townsite 09/14/1937 R0557 24-30 63-90 91-97 O 185 1936 Problem?
North 09/01/1868 R0040 1-3 21 71-79 O 13 1868 Tracy Problem?
North 10/22/1879 R0176 1-3 17 332-335 O 88 1879 Bridges Problem?
North 02/14/1885 R0333 108E-108H 154 307 R 0 1884 Monroe Problem?
North   R0377 109-111 112 123 R 202 1893 Moran Problem?
North 04/17/1935 R0542 439-442 453-461 517-520 R 133 1933 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
North 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 116 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
North 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 121-122 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
North 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 134-135 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
North 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 146-147 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
North 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 157-158 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
North 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 181 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
South 10/22/1879 R0176 1-3 13 332-335 O 88 1879 Bridges Problem?
South 10/22/1879 R0176 1-3 25-32 332-335 O 88 1879 Bridges Problem?
South 03/17/1926 R0532 637-641 657-658 701-704 O 97 1924 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
South 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 102 182-197 O 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
South 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 109-115 182-197 O 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
South 02/14/1885 R0333 108E-108H 141 307 R 0 1884 Monroe Problem?
East 09/01/1868 R0040 1-3 21 71-79 O 13 1868 Tracy Problem?
East 11/20/1906 R0447 1-11 48-51 53-61 O 246 1905 Fitzpatrick Problem?
East 03/17/1926 R0532 637-641 657-658 701-704 O 97 1924 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
East 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 102-106 182-197 O 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
East   R0377 109-111 112 123 R 202 1893 Moran Problem?
East 04/17/1935 R0542 439-442 443 517-520 R 133 1933 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
East 04/17/1935 R0542 439-442 453 517-520 R 133 1933 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
East 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 106-109 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West   R0332 254A-254D O 0 0000 Problem?
West 10/22/1879 R0176 1-3 13-17 332-335 O 88 1879 Bridges Problem?
West 04/17/1935 R0542 439-442 460-461 517-520 O 133 1933 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 114-115 182-197 O 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 02/14/1885 R0333 108E-108H 141 307 R 0 1884 Monroe Problem?
West 02/14/1885 R0333 108E-108H 154 307 R 0 1884 Monroe Problem?
West 04/17/1935 R0542 439-442 457-458 517-520 R 133 1933 Ridgway Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 1-3 7-8 9-10 R 185 1936 Inch Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 116 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 117-122 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 168-169 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 172 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 175 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 177-178 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
West 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 180 182-197 R 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 09/14/1937 R0557 24-30 63-79 91-97 O 185 1936 Voigt Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 05/13/1958 R0557 98-102 122-181 182-197 O 185 1937 Voigt Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 01/26/1990 R0633 162-164 169-175 176-178 O 675 1989 Problem?
Subdivision 01/26/1990 R0633 162-164 164-168 176-178 R 675 1989 Problem?
Metes/Bound 09/14/1937 R0557 24-30 30-62 91-97 O 185 1936 Problem?

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