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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
016 0 N 032 0 E MDM HI     08/26/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
016 0 N 032 0 E MDM MTP Primary   11/18/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
016 0 N 032 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
016 0 N 032 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   10/16/1868   0001 Detail Problem?
016 0 N 032 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   08/29/1917   0002 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 07/11/1868 R0035 1 84-85 136-139 O 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
North 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 176-180 226-228 O 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
North 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 188-189 226-228 O 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
North 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 172-174 226-228 R 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
North 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 421-422 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
South 10/01/1884 R0327 296F-296J 323-331 331A-331E O 0 1884 Stewart Problem?
South 10/16/1868 R0043 1-5 6 191-194 R 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
South 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 174 226-228 R 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
South 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 180-184 226-228 R 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
South 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 407 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0554 1-3 3 30-34 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
South 11/01/1946 R0555 287-289 293-294 294-298 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
East 10/01/1884 R0327 296F-296J 323 331A-331E O 0 1884 Stewart Problem?
East 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 183-189 226-228 O 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 407 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 421-422 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 455 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 457 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 460 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 462 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
East 06/21/1935 R0545 403-407 466 468-472 R 155 1931 Ridgway Problem?
West 07/11/1868 R0035 1 84-85 136-139 O 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
West 10/01/1884 R0327 296F-296J 330 331A-331E O 0 1884 Stewart Problem?
West 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 174-175 226-228 O 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
West 10/16/1868 R0043 1-5 7-9 191-194 R 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
West 11/03/1906 R0435 121-125 125 313-317 R 236 1905 Stewart Problem?
West 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 171-174 226-228 R 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
West 11/01/1946 R0554 1-3 3 30-34 R 181 1937 Swanholm Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 10/16/1868 R0043 27 26-30 191-194 O 0 1868 Monroe Problem?
Subdivision 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 191-225 226-228 O 32 1915 Nelson Problem?
Subdivision 08/29/1917 R0502 169-171 189-191 226-228 R 32 1915 Nelson Problem?

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