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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM HI     03/09/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM MTP Primary   03/09/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Protraction Plat   10/26/1964   0001 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   10/27/1905   0001 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat 3, 4, 5   04/04/1979 0002 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/27/1989 0003 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/27/1989 0004 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/27/1989 0005 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/27/1989 0006 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/03/2008 0007 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/03/2008 0008 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/03/2008 0009 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/03/2008 0010 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     09/03/2008 0011 Detail Problem?
014 0 N 027 0 E MDM RECT Field Notes   09/03/2008   0001 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North   R0032 1-4 162-163 O 0 1867 Chase Et Al Problem?
North 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 88-99 153-155 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
North 11/01/1946 R0554 55-57 62-63 109-112 R 181 1937 Hardison Et Al Problem?
North 09/27/1989 R0633 13-16 20-25 49-51 R 670 1989 Pratt Problem?
North 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 291-298 359-361 R 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?
South   R0032 1-4 155-156 O 0 1867 Chase Et Al Problem?
South 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 28-29 153-155 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
South 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 100-107 153-155 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
South 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 285-286 359-361 O 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?
South 03/18/1913 M0097 507 511 515 R 0 0000 Lloyd Problem?
South 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 84-85 153-155 R 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
South 07/25/1911 M0091 361 366 373 R 0 1911 Lloyd Problem?
South 09/07/1915 R0491 357-360 365 407-410 R 22 1915 Reppert Problem?
East 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 28-29 153-155 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
East 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 69-79 153-155 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
East 03/18/1913 M0097 507 511 515 R 0 0000 Lloyd Problem?
East 07/25/1911 M0091 361 366 373 R 0 1911 Lloyd Problem?
East 11/01/1946 R0554 55-57 62-63 109-112 R 181 1937 Hardison Et Al Problem?
East 09/27/1989 R0633 13-16 17-20 49-51 R 670 1989 Pratt Problem?
East 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 285-290 359-361 R 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?
West   R0032 1-4 155-164 O 0 1867 Chase Et Al Problem?
West   R0031 347-354 O 0 1868 Chase Et Al Problem?
West 10/27/1905 R0436 1-5 80-88 153-155 R 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
West 10/27/1905 R0436 377-382 428-429 765-783 R 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
West 10/27/1905 R0436 377-382 466 765-783 R 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
West 10/27/1905 R0436 377-382 472-473 765-783 R 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
West 10/27/1905 R0436 479-484 484-499 520-523 R 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
West 09/07/1915 R0491 357-360 361-373 407-410 R 22 1915 Reppert Problem?
West 09/27/1989 R0633 13-16 16-17 49-51 R 670 1989 Pratt Problem?
West 09/27/1989 R0633 13-16 24-25 49-51 R 670 1989 Pratt Problem?
Subdivision 10/27/1905 R0436 377-382 382-476 765-783 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 10/27/1905 R0436 743-763 765-783 O 237 1904 Franks Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 09/27/1989 R0633 13-16 46-48 49-51 O 670 1989 Pratt Problem?
Subdivision 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 315-358 359-361 O 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 09/27/1989 R0633 13-16 25-46 49-51 R 670 1989 Pratt Problem?
Subdivision 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 299-314 359-361 R 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?
Subdivision 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 315 359-361 R 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?
Metes/Bound 09/03/2008 R0651 282-284 358-359 359-361 O 837 2008 Potts Et Al Problem?

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