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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
012 0 N 070 0 E MDM HI     01/05/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
012 0 N 070 0 E MDM MTP Primary   01/16/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
012 0 N 070 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
012 0 N 070 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   06/30/1922 11/21/1922 0001 Detail Problem?
012 0 N 070 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat     06/15/1989 0002 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
Unknown 02/07/1916 H0003 149-167 O 1915 Garver Problem?
Unknown 02/07/1916 H0002 459-475 O 1915 Garver Problem?
Unknown 02/07/1916 H0002 477-489 O 1915 Garver Problem?
Unknown 10/05/1918 H0004 209-227 O 1917 Haman Problem?
Unknown 10/05/1918 H0005 253-269 O 1917 Haman Problem?
Unknown 05/28/1919 H0005 511-525 O 1918 Rice Problem?
Unknown 02/07/1916 H0003 155-157 R 1915 Garver Problem?
Unknown 10/05/1918 H0005 259 R 1917 Haman Problem?
Unknown 05/28/1919 H0005 514-515 R 1918 Rice Problem?
Unknown 05/28/1919 H0005 515-516 R 1918 Rice Problem?
Unknown 05/28/1919 H0005 517-518 R 1918 Rice Problem?
State Boundary   B0001 1-22 O 0 0000 James Problem?
State Boundary 02/06/1871 B0009 100-103 214 O 0 1870 James Problem?
State Boundary 06/30/1922 R0524 367-372 378-379 443-448 R 71 1921 Obrien Et Al Problem?
State Boundary 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 454-455 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
State Boundary 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 457-463 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
State Boundary 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 471-472 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
State Boundary 09/10/1930 R0543 491-495 500-501 514-516 R 140 1928 Nelson Problem?
North 02/17/1879 R0170 5-8 35-36 228-231 O 83 1878 Mcgill Problem?
North 02/17/1879 R0170 5-8 50-54 228-231 O 83 1878 Mcgill Problem?
North 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 455-456 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
North 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 464-472 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
North 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 478-479 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
North 09/10/1930 R0543 491-495 500-501 514-516 R 140 1928 Nelson Problem?
North 09/10/1930 R0543 491-495 503 514-516 R 140 1928 Nelson Problem?
South 02/17/1879 R0170 5-8 28-29 228-231 O 83 1878 Mc Gill Problem?
South 06/30/1922 R0524 367-372 387-395 443-448 O 71 1921 O Brien Et Al Problem?
South 06/15/1989 R0632 244-246 248 260-262 R 650 1988 Lambeth Problem?
East   B0001 1-22 O 0 0000 James Problem?
East 02/06/1871 B0009 100-103 214 O 0 1870 James Problem?
East 02/17/1879 R0170 5-8 54 228-231 O 83 1878 Mcgill Problem?
East 06/30/1922 R0524 367-372 378-379 443-448 R 71 1921 Obrien Et Al Problem?
East 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 454-455 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
East 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 457-463 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
East 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 471-472 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
East 09/10/1930 R0543 491-495 500-501 514-516 R 140 1928 Nelson Problem?
West 02/17/1879 R0170 5-8 28-36 228-231 O 83 1878 Mc Gill Problem?
West 02/07/1916 H0002 459 463 475 R 0 1915 Garver Problem?
West 06/30/1922 R0524 367-372 387-389 443-448 R 71 1921 O Brien Et Al Problem?
West 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 455 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
West 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 472-479 536-540 R 71 1921 Good Problem?
West 06/15/1989 R0632 244-246 246-248 260-262 R 650 1988 Lambeth Problem?
Subdivision 06/30/1922 R0524 451-453 479-536 536-540 O 71 1921 Good Problem?
Subdivision 02/07/1916 H0002 459 462-463 475 R 0 1915 Garver Problem?
Subdivision 06/15/1989 R0632 280-282 283-285 295-297 R 650 1988 Lambeth Problem?
Metes/Bound 06/15/1989 R0632 280-282 285-295 295-297 O 650 1988 Problem?

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