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Includes Mineral, Homestead Entry, Indian Reservation, Military Reservation and Townsite Surveys, and Mineral and Homestead Entry Connection Sheets

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type HI Pages Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
011 0 S 046 0 E MDM HI     03/16/2022 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Supplemental
Posted Date Plat Number Detail Problem?
011 0 S 046 0 E MDM MTP Primary   07/03/2024 0001 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record Type Sub Type Posted Date Duplicate Township Detail Problem?
011 0 S 046 0 E MDM CNSDI   11/19/2020 0 Detail Problem?

Township Range Meridian Record
Detail Problem?
011 0 S 046 0 E MDM RECT Survey Plat   03/01/1907   0001 Detail Problem?

Rectangular Survey Field Notes
Boundary Approved
Volume Intro     Pages     Survey     Pages     Cert     Pages     Survey
Surveyor Problem?
North 03/01/1907 R0449 169-173 176 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
North 03/01/1907 R0449 293-297 300-303 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
North 12/05/1908 M0076 523 531 537 R 0 1908 Milliken Problem?
North 12/19/1908 M0076 541 556 563 R 0 1908 Milliken Problem?
North 02/12/1910 M0085 115 125 131 R 0 1909 Rasor Problem?
North 03/05/1910 M0085 143 156 163 R 0 1909 Rasor Problem?
North 01/29/1910 M0085 175 187 195 R 0 1909 Rasor Problem?
North 08/07/1909 M0081 403 417 423 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
North 07/17/1909 M0081 427 432 437 R 0 1909 Kennedy Problem?
North 10/23/1909 M0082 517 526 531 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
South 03/01/1907 R0449 107-111 113-114 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
South 03/01/1907 R0449 231-235 237-241 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
South 04/13/1907 M0052 283 303 309 R 0 1907 Kennedy Problem?
South 10/10/1908 M0074 223 245-246 251 R 0 1908 Kennedy Problem?
South 03/25/2008 R0651 96-98 100 106-108 R 848 2007 Aschenbach Problem?
East 03/01/1907 R0449 107-111 113-114 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
East 03/01/1907 R0449 169-173 173-176 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
East 01/25/1908 M0067 37 42 47 R 0 1907 Milliken Problem?
East 08/07/1909 M0081 403 417 423 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
East 07/17/1909 M0081 427 432 437 R 0 1909 Kennedy Problem?
West 03/01/1907 R0449 231-235 237 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
West 03/01/1907 R0449 293-297 297-300 366 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
West 04/13/1907 M0052 283 303 309 R 0 1907 Kennedy Problem?
West 10/10/1908 M0074 223 245-246 251 R 0 1908 Kennedy Problem?
Subdivision 03/01/1907 R0449 309-313 313-340 405-406 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
Subdivision 03/01/1907 R0449 309-313 313-348 405-406 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
Subdivision 06/07/1907 R0449 411 413 416-419 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
Subdivision 06/07/1907 R0449 411 415-416 416-419 O 248 1906 Brashears Problem?
Subdivision 03/07/1908 M0066 163 170 175 R 0 1907 Milliken Problem?
Subdivision 03/07/1908 M0064 167 176B 181 R 0 1907 Cameron Problem?
Subdivision 08/21/1909 M0080 39 51 57 R 0 1909 Craigue Problem?
Subdivision 05/01/1909 M0079 275 284 291 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
Subdivision 05/22/1909 M0079 365 378 383 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
Subdivision 08/07/1909 M0081 403 417 423 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
Subdivision 11/13/1909 M0083 435 440 445 R 0 1909 Milliken Problem?
Subdivision 05/01/1909 M0079 491 496 501 R 0 1909 Craigue Problem?
Subdivision 03/09/1917 M0107 99 110 143 R 0 1914 Byler Problem?

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